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About Laura Lee Mistycah


Laura Lee Mistycah

First Wave Indigo Guide ~ Weird Sh!t Specialist ~ Futuristic Sorceress


Laura Lee Mistycah, has been a holistic health practitioner for over 4 decades, as a reflexologist, medical intuitive, Rapid Eye therapist, and muscle-skeletal balancer. She also developed a variety of  innovative healing methods, many she can do remotely. Her work has taken her beyond the fringe in order to find the answers to why people are sick and crazy. She calls herself a “Weird Sh*t Specialist” and even has that on her business card!

LauraLee AKA Witchy Woman is also a  professional Ghost Buster and has morphed into  what she calls a “Futuristic Sorceress.”  She collaborates with the Aulmauracite/Aurauralite Magickal Mystical Stone of Truth & Justice to protect and assist her and her clients in managing the seen and unseen worlds, and also to outwit the Dark Lords who have hijacked this planet.

She was under much cross fire in 2007 for exposing the hidden agenda behind the Chakras, the Kundalini, the Astral Plane, and the A.I. (Artificial Intelligence). Laura Lee continues to be at the cutting edge of exposing the hidden agendas and threats behind what was previously considered  “immutable facts” of how systems and our Holographic Universe work.


LauraLee has written and published 5 books:


LauraLee lives in the country near Spokane, WA and has created a small rescue farm for chickens, ducks and other critters.  She is a huge advocate for exposing the evils of Factory Farms


To really get to know Laura Lee:


Onward and forward!

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Portals to my other Weird Sh!t projects


Mistyc House

Check out my other book projects:

Parallel Universes: Awakening To Dreams by Martin Gales


Parallel Universes is the best, most user friendly book I have read on how to not only understand dreams, but also interact with them!  As I was reading it the first time, it inspired me so much I couldn’t wait to go to sleep and try out my new found skills of “awakening to dreams.” I even had a “Dream Slumber Party” on my living room floor for my friends who read the book so we could wake up and talk about our dreams and analyze them together! Recommending this book to my friends and clients was of course, a No Brainer as I feel everyone needs it! I feel this book is very liberating, as it helps you to really understand the other realities we are working in and how to manage them, so we can have more freedom in THIS reality!

Readings & Sessions with Laura Lee Mistycah

Spiritul Contracts on Laura Lee Page
Guide & Guardian Readings on Laura Lee Page
Medical Intuitive Readings on Laura Lee Page
Time Line Therapy/Soul Retrieval on Laura Lee Page
Metallic - Organic - Psychic Implant Removal on Laura Lee Page

Spiritual Contracts for this lifetime

If you have been confused and frustrated, wondering and searching for exactly what it is that you came to this Earth to do and be … have come to the right place. This reading will assist you in finding your "Earth Life’s" purposes.


When the information is unveiled, you will know if it is true by the peace you feel and how it resonates in your core. You will have a sense of freedom, and an excitement and passion for what has been revealed to you. You will gain clarity and motivation where there was once confusion and frustration. For Profiles of a First Wave Indigo Knights, click here. "First Wave Indigo Adults" .)


Guide and Guardian Reading

Discover how many Guardians and Spirit Guides you have at this time, and also what Realms or Kingdoms they are from, (such as the Dragon, Fairy/ Elemental, Animal, Mystical Animal, UV-Realm Buddies, etc.). In some cases, "Spirit Guides" can even be pets that have passed over to the other side, gone to the appropriate "Guide School", and are now Assigned/Volunteer to come back and help you.


Find out which ones are Full Time, which ones are Part Time, which ones are Temps, and which ones are Permanent….. and most of all, find out exactly what they CAN or CANNOT do to assist you.


Medical Intuitive Readings

If you have questions about your health or that of a loved one, this reading will be very valuable to you. Information on the status of body parts / organs, and also the cause of physical symptoms can be accessed. You can also find out what to do to reverse the symptoms and revitalize the body. If there is a need, Laura Lee can do "Remote Healing Transmissions" to balance the body.

(See Body/Organ Scanning & Muscle-Skeletal balancing in the Mistyc House of Healing web pages)


This information can also be accessed for infants and pets.


Time Line Therapy/Soul Retrieval

Sometimes when we have experienced physical trauma or severe emotional pain, we can leave parts of our selves or our essence stuck in the "Time-Space" of that particular incident. We go on with life and feel a void, an emptiness … something is missing. That is because IT IS MISSING! This "absence of self" can cause many different types of malfunctions and can be carried through this life as well as past existences.


Laura Lee has developed a thorough yet enjoyable method of retrieving and reinstalling the lost aspects of your self. The results of this process bring miraculous healing filled with in-depth self-discovery, and plenty of "Ah-Hah's!"


If you would like one of these sessions, Your Aurauralite pendant or Aulmauracite rock makes moving through the Time-Space Continuum much easier and brings truth to any misperceptions of the past. It also is a unique protective tool that will keep your journey safe, secure, and focused, with minimal interference.


Metallic - Organic - Psychic Implant Removal

There are different types of implants you can acquire, which are used for tracking, monitoring, and controlling people's thoughts, emotions, and actions on the planet today. Some of these implants are useful and put there to assist you, but most of them were designed to control you, and many times make your life a living Hell!


Some of these implants need special treatment and have to be dismantled in a certain order, similar to disarming a bomb. Once these are properly dismantled and eliminated, and your authentic essence restored, total transformations take place as sovereignty and freedom are restored.


Laura Lee has had many varieties of personal experience with implants, and has figured out stealth full methods of successful implant removal. Having your Aurauralite/Aulmauracite present to assist in this process is mandatory.


My very first private session with Laura Lee was fantastic. When I heard her soothing, loving, gentle, kind voice over the phone, right away I knew this is it. I have found the right person. Her sessions were very in-depth and interesting. I always looked forward to our next appointment. I felt awesome after each session. Much love and gratitude to Laura Lee.


Sierah M., Business Development Executive, Singapore

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